Whilst many businesses are still closed, some UK fulfilment companies have stayed open as per the government guidelines to provide vital services to the public and encourage people to stay at home and protect the NHS.
Here at Tamazi, we're following all the government advice in order to create a safe working environment for our staff and to ensure we're able to stay open for our amazing clients. We're proud to work with such amazing brands, here is what a few of them have been doing to provide to the public during these uncertain times:
Gamely Games
Gamely Games are an innovative card games company best known for their family-friendly card games that encourage quality time together away from technology. Over the past month, we have helped Gamely to send 100 free games to NHS workers to thank them for their hard work and 200 free games to primary school children who had their birthday parties cancelled due to the pandemic. They are currently running another promotion for a further 100 free games to be sent for children and have donated £1,000 to the National Emergencies Trust Covid-19 Emergency appeal. The photos we've seen on their Facebook page of people receiving their free game is truly heart-warming.

In Your Dreams
In Your Dreams are an innovative beauty brand best known for creating signature looks using a combination of cosmetics, glitter and embellishments. During lockdown, IYD have been encouraging people to cure their boredom and get creative with makeup and nail tutorials, live Instagram concerts and live yoga sessions; creating a community in a time where many people are feeling alone. With a lockdown sale of 50-70% off, their products have been flying off the shelves and we're loving beautifully gift-wrapping their orders and dispatching to their customers.

Blasta Henriet
Blasta Henriet is a Scandinavian wellbeing brand that sells beautiful microwave or oven wheat bags and eye pillows that provide relaxation and natural pain relief. We've been helping Blasta Henriet with sending out an amazing amount of orders which had been purchased as gifts for loved ones while unable to see each other. Some of the gift messages have been truly beautiful and we've really enjoyed gift wrapping and posting these gorgeous gifts

Hunter Medical
Hunter Medical is a not-for-profit venture supplying 70% alcohol-based hand sanitiser to help protect the public from the coronavirus. We have helped Hunter Medical by sending out over 15,000 bottles of hand sanitiser over the past two months to public and businesses including large volumes to care homes, doctors surgeries, schools and offices.
